Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Random Things About Moi

Just sharing something that has been going around Facebook for weeks now. So here goes:
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.

  1. I am banlag. For those who do not know, banlag is the opposite of cross-eyed. In my case, caused by watching TV sideways. Though no doctor has ever confirmed this.
  2. I’m always on a high after a videoke night. Yes, even if I never hit the high notes or any notes for that matter.
  3. I had piano lessons with a lola for six years and had secret hopes of becoming a virtuoso which, of course, did not materialize.
  4. I was a quiz bee champion. In Philippine History. I lost the division level—2 steps before national level—to a very easy question that I overlooked while reviewing. My mother was furious.
  5. Every night for more than a month, my husband Nubs and I never missed a viewing of Across the Universe, either the making or the movie itself.
  6. I started smoking at age 13 and quit only when my father was diagnosed with lung cancer.
  7. I have not forgiven the adult person who, on several occasions, was deliberately unkind to my little Indie. Hell hath no fury like a mother whose child was scorned.
  8. I am a certified hothead.
  9. On the other hand, I can be very charming when I choose to be—at Customs when I’m carrying excess baggage or at flea markets when I’m haggling for something I’m dying to get my hands on.
  10. I used to be quite good at billiards.
  11. My most embarrassing moment was standing under the rain somewhere near the Sunken Garden with suds in my hair. (No, don’t blame it on the rain. Blame it on the shower gel that I grabbed when I ran out of gel!)
  12. I honestly enjoy doing any domestic chore that involves water. Washing clothes. Cleaning the bathroom. Anything.
  13. Tell me a secret and I will bring it to my grave. As in.
  14. Many times I have been called a bad influence. But that remains to be proven. Haha!
  15. As I push 40, age has become a consideration when I’m shopping for clothes. And yes, shoes. I have this feeling that one cannot get away with everything upon reaching a certain age. I am not Madonna, after all.
  16. A psychic friend once told me that I have powers the same as hers.
  17. I am a shameless kuripot. I’m a sucker for bargains. And a “sale” sign is enough to send me into frenzy.
  18. A good conversation is enough to keep me entertained on a night out. Alcohol is now just an option.
  19. I have survived the first 38 years of my life without seafood and vegetables. And I just turned 38 late last year.
  20. I need funny people in my life.
  21. I wish I were all grown-up during the 60s and the 70s.
  22. I am extremely close to my sisters. And I absolutely adore my nephews and niece.
  23. I would like to believe that I’m a very reliable friend.
  24. I’m on to something that I should have done before. But I ain't telling. Yet.
  25. This is my second life. Period.


Anonymous said...

nice info u got here...
just drop by from blogcatalog...
hope u can drop by my site and leace a comments too...

Anonymous said...

We had a whole round of Meme's in the last few weeks, I got tagged 3 times with the same on on different blogs.

Nice to read about other bloggers, great meme.


Indie's Momma said...

Thanks guys!